Sponsorship Packet

Annual promotional packet to advertise Project Open Hand. 

March - May 2024 06 Weeks

All content has been approved to use.

Project Summary

Project Open Hand has an annual sponsorship packet made for events and potential sponsors or volunteers to see. Each packet includes tier lists to see how and what their money will go to. The creative brief included a document with all the content needed to go into the packet. 

Project Objective

  • Create a strongly branded packet that shows what POH is visually about.

  • Design and organize information into easily digestible sections and pages.  

Target Audience

Potential sponsors and volunteers.

This page includes another section of the packet. After meeting with my supervisor in the final stages of the project, the Sponsorship Packet was sent to my supervisor’s boss and the CEO for any changes in content there may be or any suggestions. Due to this packet being sent to potential sponsors, it had to be approved by many people. It is important that the packet represented what POH is as
a organization

This packet was going to be viewed online only so I added a line that went through the left side that will break apart on headers or important titles. This gives people a visual to see when something is important.


Throughout the Sponsorship Packet project, I had many meetings with my supervisor to talk about formatting and feedback. I was given a lot of feedback and suggestions on how I can improve sections to be easier for people to understand. 

To the right shows one section of the packet and how it progressed throughout the project. The content changed based on the meetings I had with my supervisor.


My Cup of Tea ReBranding


Project Open Hand Branding